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Great resources that are especially or exclusively for people engaged in overseas missions or cross-cultural ministry!

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search engine by freefind
Community Development
Appropriate Technology Library for Rural Village Missions  – on DVD or CD

Imagine having access to all the information needed to build a solar food dryer, start a fish farm, build a bamboo printing press, dig a well, build a fuel efficient stove or do thousands of other projects. For missionaries working in developing countries or rural village settings, this is a GREAT resource to have on hand. All the best how-to and do-it-yourself books on topics of  community development, medical care, and aid relief work.

Over 1,050 books and resources in an easy to use digital format  for only $99

Where There is No Doctor
The Village Health Worker
Village Technology Handbook
Alternative Agriculture
Handbook of Tropical and Subtropical Horticulture
Animal Traction in Africa
How to Build a Solar Crop Dryer
Basic Machines and How They Work
Maintaining Motorcycles
Evaluation of Solar Cookers
Your Own Water Power Plant
Slow Sand Filtration
Refugee Enterprise
Disaster Mitigation

Also includes the Foxfire Series and the entire Better Farming Series.
For a complete listing of titles, or to purchase this digital library,  Click Here
ECHO is a global Christian organization that equips people with agricultural resources and skills to reduce hunger and improve the lives of the poor.
Leading news website reporting on environmental news and sustainable living.
Audio, Video, and Solar Technology to Reach the Most Remote
A great selection of modern equipment, resources, and tools that can be used in doing ministry in remote locations.
All solar or battery powered, compact, and light-weight.
Proclaimers, Audio players, Phone chargers, Solar powered flashlights, Backpack projection system (for showing the Jesus Film)
Also featuring LightStream – a WiFi hotspot for sharing media to mobile devices or downloading ministry media where no internet connection is available.
A good source for Christian mobile media!
Resources for Missionaries working in Remote Locations.
Founded by Steve Saint (from “End of the Spear”)
Making solar power more affordable for developing countries!
The New Solar Powered “Tent” that Keeps Food Fresh Without a Refrigerator!
Light weight. Easy to transport. The unit costs about $100, but the company who is producing it hopes to be able to bring the price down even more and make it available world-wide.  
The word “Wakati” means “time” in Swahili. This solar cooling system helps preserve food in harsh climates.
Most traditional technology either requires a power grid or massive amounts of water, but the Wakati does not require either.
A guide to Do-It-Yourself projects. Build your own fish pond, make your own guitar, find practical information about homesteading, raising animals, renewable energy, organic gardening, green homes, natural health, and more!
Harnessing the sun to benefit people and the environment
Did you know that you can cook rice in a cardboard box?
With just a few simple supplies you can be cooking your meals without firewood, gas, or fuel of any kind, but by simply using the heat of the sun!
Download your FREE guide to building your own solar cooker.
Download directions on how to build your own solar dehydrator!
This thing really works!
Best Ever Solar Dehydrator!
(Formally Hope for the City)
Food, clothing, medical equipment, and supplies, available at no cost to established non-profit organizations who are helping the poor overcome their circumstances through education, housing, and other programs.
Building & Maintaining
Fish Ponds
(for an Income Generators or Community Development)
YouTube Instruction Video Links:
Explore the biggest “How To” and “DIY” website.
If you are wanting to make something, this is a great site to use for finding inspiration, ideas, and directions. Instructables is a project sharing website where people can share their inventions, ideas, and techniques for every kind of do-it-yourself projects.

Hesperian Books

Hesperian Health Guides publishes 20 titles, spanning women’s health, children, disabilities, dentistry, health education, HIV, and environmental health.

Village Medical Manual
This is a self-teaching medical tutorial for use by non-medical missionaries working in remote areas.
It focuses on cookbook-type diagnosis, using logical protocols/flow diagrams with no medical jargon. Similar to Where There is No Doctor, but much more text and information and fewer pictures and illustrations. Best used along side the Where There is No Doctor book.
The course is available for free download at 
It requires the use of the Village Medical Manual, available on Amazon.
là où il n’y a pas de docteur
This French version of the
“Where There is No Doctor” book was published by a private publishing house in Senegal.
Copies can be purchased from Enda. Please note that they do not have any online ordering option. The best way to purchase them is to contact Enda via email ( and send them the payment through Western Union.  
When we purchased this book from Enda it cost us 17,500 cfa
(about $35 each).
If you need an online purchasing option this book is also available on
Amazon France – but for a much higher price.
Where There is No Doctor  | Where Women Have No Doctor
A Book for Midwives  |  Where There is No Dentist
Disabled Village Children

These books and more are available in print or as free pdf downloads from Hesperian.

Many of these books are also available in other languages.
Solar Powered LED Flashlight Keychain

“These were a big hit in our village. Perfect for remote locations where there is no electricity. No need to buy batteries because the flashlight charges in the sun. Cheaply made, but you can’t beat the price. We bought hundreds of these and either sold them or gave them away. They were very well received and very appreciated by the villagers.”

Christian Engineers in Development is a group of professional engineers who are committed to using their skills and resources to assist people in developing countries to overcome poverty.

Offering professional engineering services at minimum cost to local communities and development agencies.

Christian Engineers in Development

EMI provides free engineering and architectural services to overseas ministries and churches who are serving the poorest of the poor and preaching the Gospel of Christ.

Engineering Ministries International

Ministry Architecture, Inc

Ministry Architecture, Inc offers architectural services, at no fee, to evangelical ministries in developing nations.

Engineers Without Boarders supports community-driven development programs worldwide by collaborating with local partners to design and implement sustainable engineering projects, while creating transformative experiences and responsible leaders.

Also available on Amazon

Self-Help Medical Books